Mayor’s Week: 3 – 10 July 2014

Mayor’s Week: 3 – 10 July 2014

I have had two main feelings about this week’s engagements, namely being privileged, and one of humility by having attended two very important events and meeting other people who have worked so selflessly and tirelessly for those who are disadvantaged in some major way.

I was genuinely honoured to have started Worcester’s Race for Life at the Racecourse on Sunday, not just because I got to use a claxon for the first time (and let it rip for too long) but because I saw so many volunteers – of all ages –start the course and then presented many of them with a medal on their return. And to the young volunteers who took “selfies” with me, thank you for setting such a good example. I am very proud of you. As I said in my opening speech, “Let’s kill cancer.”


On the previous day, I attended the Summer Concert and Celebration Day at New College (used to be called the Blind College). I was so impressed by the high quality of the art work produced that I am arranging for an exhibition of some of it to go on display in the Guildhall, so people can see what dedication and perseverance can achieve.

These two events alone should make us all stop and think – and realise that our own everyday concerns and worries pale into insignificance compared to somebody with cancer or a serious inability to see anything. 

I am pleased to confirm that the Mayor’s charity will be making a donation to the Worcester Cathedral Charitable Fund, which makes grants to the poor and needy.

For the second time in a month, I had the pleasure of attending the Licensing and Installation of a new vicar in the city, this time for the Rev’d George Davis for Holy Trinity & St Matthew (Ronkswood). It is wonderful to see new youth and enthusiasm coming into our ecclesiastical life. And again, what a beautiful hot and sunny evening. Let’s hope there are more events like these to come!


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