MAYOR’S WEEK: 13 – 20 AUGUST 2023

MAYOR’S WEEK: 13 – 20 AUGUST 2023

I recently had the pleasure of attending the ABI Game, hosted by Headway at Worcester University Sports Arena. This was their second such event and I was astounded by the number of adults with acquired brain injuries (ABI) that took part from all over the UK. It was a well-run event and I even got to judge the woodwork entries!

I also visited Headway’s office in Gregory’s Mill Street, to meet the staff and clients. I now have an understanding of the funding challenges that the charity faces on a daily basis and how they still manage to offer a diverse range of support services for adults with acquired brain injuries. I met the art group and was invited to come back to join in a session on another day after I admitted I have never actually held a paintbrush in my hand. Challenge accepted!

I managed to sit in on a mindfulness session where I learned how to relax using breathing techniques. Again, another first. I felt very touched that the group shared their personal stories with me in what was clearly a safe space for them to be themselves.

We live in a busy world with a lot of stress. Living with stress for a long period of time can cause a stroke. I take away an understanding of the necessity of looking after myself and bringing better balance into my own life. If we don’t value and don’t look after ourselves how can we help others?

For more information on Headway and their outreach services do refer to their website.

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