MAYOR’S WEEK: 6 – 12 AUGUST 2023

MAYOR’S WEEK: 6 – 12 AUGUST 2023

Recently I was invited to a Repair Café organized by Transition Worcester and whilst there I was asked if I would also like to take part in a food rescue. I had a vague idea what this was – maybe something to do with rummaging through supermarket bins for food that has gone past its sell by date?

The reality was quite a bit different. Worcester Food Rescue are super organized and do around 16 collections each week from places like Tesco, Asda, Waitrose, Sainsbury’s and Booker. So far this year they have rescued 12 tonnes of food equating to nearly 30,000 meals for people in need.

I took part in a food recue at Waitrose at 9pm when the shop was closed to customers. By invitation of the management we backed our car into the rear entrance normally used by the delivery lorries and awaited to see what posh, but very welcome food, would be making it’s way to feed, amongst others, people at Acorns, Ukrainian families and St Paul’s Hostel. Suffice to say no bin surfing was needed as we transferred the lovely food directly from trolleys to the back of our car.

Transition Worcester also run the Teaching and Display Garden, a community garden located at the Old North Stables on Pitchcroft encouraging people to grow their own food. They also run an energy group that supports local residents to reduce their home energy costs. A subject dear to my heart and as we come to the colder days of autumn will no doubt be the subject of a future Mayoral blog.

Worcester is an amazing place but the volunteers and people who give their time so freely for others are the real treasures. Thank you, Transition Worcester, for all that you do. Find out more about Transition Worcester.


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