Mayor’s Week: 14 – 21 November 2014

Mayor’s Week: 14 – 21 November 2014

A mixture of sadness, pride, and fun this week.

Laying a wreath at Astwood Road Cemetery in remembrance of prisoners of war was another timely reminder of what war actually means. The Lights of Love in aid of St. Richards Hospice was an opportunity to celebrate the memories of our loved ones who are no longer with us. After the Cathedral service, we processed down to St. Andrew’s Spire where we placed our lit candles on the ground. The Worcester Festival Choral Society’s Faure Requiem in the Cathedral was a piece of very moving beauty which felt very apt at that time.  Congratulations to the WFCS Chairman, Ben Cooper.

Pride came with my visit to Perry Wood Primary School for their World War One Tea Party where the children had made so many beautiful art and craft items. It was difficult to choose a winner, because every item was a winner in my mind. My thank you was to invite the reception class winners to The Parlour for tea and cakes.  And how nice it was to see the children talking to the many residents from the local Care Homes who had been invited along.

I was immensely proud at Tudor Grange Academy’s Prize evening in the Cathedral. As so many of my constituents’ children go there, it was heart-warming to see so many familiar names picking up their awards. And, again, at the Worcestershire Group Training Association Annual Apprentice Awards Evening at Sixways, I saw so many young people realising their potential having attained the right level and type of skills to pursue careers they were obviously enjoying. There’s a message there for all our students in schools and colleges.

The fun part was turning on the Christmas Lights outside The Guildhall from the top of a double-decker bus. The crowds were amazing and stretched as far as I could see up to Foregate Street Station. As that moment marks the beginning of the Christmas shopping season, I urged everybody to enjoy the extra shopping hours and be happy.

Mayor and Father Xmas

As always, the Swan Theatre came up trumps with their production of “Noises Off”, a very fitting farcical way to end another wonderful week.






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