Mayor’s Week: 20 – 27 November 2014

Mayor’s Week: 20 – 27 November 2014

The Take Pride volunteers’ Thank You event at The Guildhall saw many people receive awards for the work they do for others in the community – testament to the nature of our City. Allan Barnett, Chair of the Friends of Gheluvelt Park, was singled out for particular praise.

Allen Barnett and the Mayor, Cllr Alan Amos

Separately, the Lions Club of Worcester, who also give so much of their time fundraising for worthy causes, did me the highest honour by making me an Honorary Lion at their 45th Charter Dinner.

Most of Friday was spent in the Cathedral participating in our University’s Graduation ceremonies, watching so many students about to take on the challenges of the real and often hostile big wide world out there.

Hosting an Open Day in the Guildhall Parlour for the 150th Anniversary of the Mayoral Chain demonstrated another aspect of my open-door policy – reaching out to people to interest them in the work of the Mayoralty. Both adults and children enjoyed trying on the Chain and getting a photo.  The Chain’s fame lies in its uniqueness of being solid gold.

It was a pleasure to open the Kids Run Free running event at Cob House Fisheries. Worcester is its 15th location and is designed to create fun by awakening children’s enthusiasm for sport and outdoor activities. Even though I was sinking into the mud in the pouring rain, the kids loved it! How refreshing to see children not glued to some mobile phone with plugs stuck in their ears gawping at a computer screen.

During lunch with Mr Sardar Sadiq, the Speaker of the Pakistani National Assembly, I told him that Benazir Bhutto, the murdered former Prime Minister, was an Oxford University friend of mine. Mr Sadiq accepted my invitation to pay an official visit to see more of the City, and he graciously reciprocated. Thank you Councillor Allah Ditta for organising the event at short notice.

Having attended the Installation of the new Archdeacon of Worcester in the Cathedral and then welcoming the Reverend Julie-Ann Watson as Team Rector at St Barnabas, it was heartening to see that the ecclesiastical life of the City is flourishing.

Finally, hosting tea in The Parlour is always a pleasure – this week for Ruth and Barry Dixon; and Julie, Adrian and Holly Tidberough.

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