Mayor’s Week, 15 – 21 July 2012

Mayor’s Week, 15 – 21 July 2012

On Sunday the Mayoress and I visited New Hope in Ronkswood, a charity providing respite care for children, to celebrate the organisation’s second Birthday. Well done to the army of volunteers.

Visit to New Hope Charity
Our visit to New Hope Charity in Ronkswood

Monday began with a debrief on the successful Freedom Parade for the armed forces, held in June.

Later I made a visit with the Mayoress to the Worcestershire Royal Hospital to see the chair and CEO of the Acute Trust. We met patients, staff and volunteers from Macmillan and staff and patients in the delivery and neonatal unit. What a tribute to the NHS this remarkable building is, housing so many facilities and satisfied patients.

On Tuesday I met with volunteers from St Paul’s and Maggs, my mayoral charities, to plan a series of fundraising events.

In the evening I attended the annual general meeting of Worcester Volunteer Bureau. What a success this body has been in Worcester; I was able to reminisce about the progress made and to present long service awards to the army of volunteers. Sally and Hedley deserve great thanks.

To Tudor Grange Academy on Wednesday, where the Mayoress and I attended the annual Key Stage 3 awards evening. Congratulations were well deserved for all the work the students had undertaken.

Off to Manchester on Thursday, to attend a meeting of the Trustees of The Co-operative Community Foundation. We have a programme aimed at inspiring young people and have presented grants to seven local charities in seven cities to tell “The Truth About Youth”.

Councillor Geoff Williams, Vice Chair of Worcester Community Housing, joined me on Friday for an event entitled Game For Good Health, held at Bilford Court. It was an event inspired by the philosophy behind the Olympics to bring people together, and to celebrate and highlight the benefits of physical and emotional well-being. I was pleased to meet several residents, one of whom had lived at Bilford Court since its construction in 1986.

That evening saw my Mayoral Banquet at the Guildhall. We were joined by over 140 guests to celebrate the new Mayoral Year. I was pleased to make a plea for councillors to show civic leadership and try to lead the city. It was also pleasing to report a Grant of £14,000 to the Mayoral Charities of St Pauls and Maggs, from a local trust.

I was up early start on Saturday to travel to Hereford to attend the opening service of The Three Choirs Festival, which this year is two weeks early because of the Olympics. It was a superb day to process through the high town, which had a continental feel with people enjoying the (long awaited!) lovely weather. We were also able to witness the restoration of Cathedral Close, which is something we may learn from in Worcester. Before leaving Hereford, the Mayoress and I enjoyed lunch with the Mayor of Hereford, Councillor Brian Wilcox, and his wife.

That evening I attended the launch of St Paul’s Big Sleep Out in College Green. I believe it’s vital to recognise the increasing demands of homelessness and support fundraising in these difficult times.

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