Mayor’s Week: 15 – 22 January 2021

Mayor’s Week: 15 – 22 January 2021

First the good news!  I have been asked to attend to have my covid vaccination.  This is such excellent news and I am very relieved to have received the invitation.  It is a relief to know that as you read this, both Dave and I may be getting our jabs.  I would urge you all to take up the offer of the vaccination when it comes to you.  It is the only way out of this pandemic and to reduce the appalling number of cases of covid and deaths in our country and to save the NHS from being overwhelmed.  I am extremely grateful to all NHS staff who are working over and above their normal hours to deliver this life saving vaccine.

This week I made the draw for the winner of the Big Christmas Swan Feed competition.  In these troubled times it is hard to think of the protection of our animals and birds when we have so much to worry about, keeping ourselves and each other safe.  However, the swan population was badly hit by avian flu a few weeks ago and I believe that 60 of them died as a result.  I am pleased to report that the remaining swans in the area seem to be healthy and have settled back well into their usual feeding and resting areas.  Please take time, if you can, to walk down to the river and see them and give them some much needed food.  There’s lots of information on the Swan Food Project website about what to feed them.  Swans bring such pleasure to passers by and are a great addition to our waterside.

I had another zoom call set up for Wednesday afternoon with Worcester Massachusetts.  Their Mayor, Joe Petty, and I were set to discuss how Worcester UK can assist our Massachusetts twin town to celebrate 300 years since their founding in 1721.  However, apparently something else was taking place in the USA on Wednesday and so at the last minute, the call was postponed.  I can’t think what could have been so important on Wednesday to cause the last-minute cancellation of our meeting???  Can anyone help me out with this one?

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