Mayor’s Week: 8 – 15 January 2021

Mayor’s Week: 8 – 15 January 2021

I am sure that you, like me, are shocked by the sharp rise in the number of COVID cases in Worcester over the last week.  We must all continue to do whatever we can to prevent this deadly disease from getting any worse – but it does sometimes feel, as the numbers rise, that we are on a conveyor belt that we can’t stop and get off.  I am confident that the majority of Worcester people are sensible and behave in a safe and responsible way, but unfortunately the numbers of infections continue to rise, so everyone must be more alert.

I just can’t wait to get my vaccination.  I don’t mind if it is given in the GP surgery, at the hospital, at a pharmacy or at a special centre, it can’t come too quickly for me.  Like you all, I long to be able to do the special things in life again like hug my children and grandchildren, go to the shops without wearing a mask, visit the theatre, go into a pub for a drink and a meal with friends.  These things will come back, but we must be patient and wait until it is safe.  I know how hard it is for us all.

Life goes on though, and this week I recorded a message for Holocaust Memorial Day which takes place on 27th January.  Following COVID advice I recorded the message outside the Guildhall.  This will go out with the other speakers’ messages via  social media – including the Worcester Facebook page.   This important annual act of remembrance for those who suffered and died in the Holocaust is a lasting memorial to them – and also a vow that this will never be allowed to happen again.

I also attended a zoomed Twinning Association meeting this week.  By using this technology, we are connecting with more people from our twinned cities both here and abroad than in normal times, so some good is coming out of this dreadful pandemic.

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