Mayor’s Week: 15 – 23 April 2018

Mayor’s Week: 15 – 23 April 2018

Some days ago we entertained in the Parlour a group of volunteers who run the Callow End Village Hall.  On hearing all that they do in order to keep a hall going within a community, it’s apparent that they do need a good volume of people to help out.  I suspect this may be the same with many village halls, so if you do live in a location with one, I’m sure their committees would be pleased to hear from you if you are able to help.

More recently we met another group of volunteers who keep visually impaired residents of Worcester updated with the news.  A local student, Beth Rabjohn, has been assisting the Talking Newspaper group by making Podcasts of the news.  This of course will make a huge difference to both the group itself, who will not have to send out USB sticks, but also to recipients who will be able to listen to the news on any number of devices.

And the same day we were treated to the ‘big band’ sound of the Worcester Concert Brass, who with the Phoenix Singers performed for our audience at the Guildhall.  The evening was a great success and once again raised a significant sum for my chosen charities.

Last Saturday saw us at the Cathedral again…but for a very different reason.  On this occasion we were there for the annual Pet Blessing Service.  Many greyhounds and other dog breeds were there, along with a cat or two, rabbit and hamster.  It is apparent that so many of you love your pets and get a great deal of comfort from looking after them.

Then on Sunday it was a visit to the Country Park to support the Worcester Lion group in their ‘Stride’ programme.  This is to promote the awareness of diabetes in society and to encourage people to get checked.  At the park the Lions organised a Safari, entailing a walk around the woods while gathering clues to solve a puzzle.

On Tuesday Dr Will Foster kindly presented the 7th Annual Mayor’s Lecture and gave a fascinating talk on the take up and use of Pacemakers.  It’s apparent that great strides are being made in Worcestershire, particularly because of his and his colleague’s presence at the Worcester Royal Hospital.

The following day we were visited at the Guildhall by some forty international guests of the Worcester University.  They were particularly struck by the history of the building and our distinctive Sword and Maces.  The Chinese members of the party kindly presented us with a mural of a Chinese Village scene of some 1,000 years ago.  It was a most delicate and beautiful piece of work.

Finally on Thursday we visited the Swan Theatre to watch the WODS performance of “Into the Woods”.  This was a very professional performance with brilliant singing by the entire cast.  For one member it was a particularly auspicious evening; Lesley Hart, the show’s ‘prompt’, received recognition from the National Operatic and Dramatic Association’s President for her 50 years of service with the company.



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