Mayor’s Week: 7 – 14 April 2018

Mayor’s Week: 7 – 14 April 2018

As I come to the end of my Mayoral year, I took the opportunity last Thursday to hold a small reception to thank so many of those who have been able to assist and support me during this past year.  It’s not easy walking into a role that has no real ‘job description,’ so I really appreciated the assistance and steer that people have given to me.

More recently Alison and I met with a group of volunteers who run the ‘Repair Café’ at Unity House in Stanley Road, Worcester.  They meet on the second Saturday of the month and receive all manner of broken items which they attempt to repair with a high success rate – they seem to do very well.  Certainly a great way to meet people and get out, f you would like to consider helping – and apparently the actual café makes great cakes too!

It’s also been nice for us to support other mayors, and so on Saturday we went to Stourport where Cllr. Vi Higgs was also raising money for her chosen charities.  She had booked a local singing group, who performed a medley of songs from the sixties.

On Sunday we were invited to the Commandery where one of the Battle of Worcester Society’s patrons, Lord Faulkner, launched the Monument Appeal.  The idea is to raise funds for a statue to be placed in Fort Royal Park of the two American presidents, Thomas Jefferson and John Adams, who visited Worcester in 1786.  The presidents were passionate in their views of Worcester, which having seen the first and last battles of the English Civil War, they viewed as the birthplace of modern democracy.

Finally, next Tuesday evening the annual Medical Lecture will be held at the Guildhall, presented to raise funds for my charities.  The talk this year is about ‘the electrics of the heart’, so if you would like to learn more it’s a 7.00pm start and tickets cost £10 (including wine or a soft drink).  See you there!

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