Mayor’s Week: 16 – 23 August

Mayor’s Week: 16 – 23 August

It was good to hear that the former RGS student and Worcestershire Cricketer Imran Khan has been inaugurated as the Prime Minister of Pakistan.  It is a great honour no doubt for RGS and for the cricket club; I hope the city can acknowledge him in some way. I wish him well in his tenure.

This week I was privileged to be asked to officially dedicate a Blue Plaque to John Perrin and Sons at 6 Mealcheapen Street. John Perrins was a brilliant gun maker whose beautiful hand crafted pieces were the benchmark in gun making in their heyday, and went as far as the Wild West.  A collection of these guns was present at the Guildhall and we were treated to a captivating history lesson about them by Vaughan Wiltshire.  Hopefully an exhibition will follow soon. Yeee Haa!

The Worcester Festival goes from strength to Strength and on Saturday the Guildhall became alive with laughter, music, cheering and fun. The Mayors Family Fun Day turned out to be a huge success, with The Rock Choir and the Toy Soldier Band from Melton Mowbray keeping all of us entertained.

Thanks goes to everyone who made it a success – especially my Companion for the Day, Claire Brunt, who had a fantastic time and was the real star of the day. I learned about Claire’s Downs Syndrome condition and how she has adapted her life to it.  She truly stole the show with her infectious smile and brilliant dancing!

Sajeeda and I were grateful for the opportunity of meeting Claire and the hundreds of visitors on the day who supported us and our charities. The joy of seeing others happy and enjoying themselves is spiritually uplifting and nourishing. We hope everyone has a brilliant weekend and enjoys the fireworks on Bank holiday Monday!

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