Mayor’s Week: 17 – 23 June 2013

Mayor’s Week: 17 – 23 June 2013

I welcomed four groups of young people to the Mayor’s Parlour this week – the College of Technology’s Life Skills Class; two groups of students from Kleve, our German twin town; and an American group who are visiting Worcester University.

My visitors told me that their home towns do not possess the kind of traditional Mayoral Regalia that Worcester is fortunate enough to have.

On Tuesday morning, I joined local Rotarians at Gorse Hill Primary School for their Junior Youth Speaks competition. Congratulations to all of the finalists for a really superb effort and a very enjoyable morning.

Since then, I have joined the High Sherriff of Worcestershire and his guests for a garden party, attended the re-dedication of the Post Office war memorial at Wainright Road and chatted with young people at a Prince’s Trust event.

What made their event so special was the new deck and barbecue pit built by the young people for the Rainbow Hill Scout Hut. This multi-talented youth group is making a real difference to their community. Well done!

The RGS Springfield Sports and Open Day in Britannia Square gave me an insight into a high achieving school. I greatly enjoyed seeing the children’s work on a tour of the school.

A particularly special event for me was the launch of St Paul’s Hostel sleep out. St Paul’s is one of my three charities this year; the other two being Maggs and Asha. Participants were clearly having fun. Obviously, it is much less fun if you have to do it because you are homeless. A tip for anyone who might try it in the future – onesies are a great way to keep warm if you are sleeping under the stars.

Phil and I ended the week with our Civic Service. We processed to the Cathedral to start our Mayoral year with a thoughtful service.

Parading back to the Guildhall from Worcester Cathedral following the Civic Service
Parading back to the Guildhall from Worcester Cathedral following the Civic Service

It was a wonderful day, when we were joined by many friends, local people whom we have met through the year and dignitaries from around the county, and further afield. We’d like to say a sincere thank you to everyone who attended –you helped to make the day a very memorable one.

Group photo outside the Guildhall with Sword and Mace Bearers
Group photo outside the Guildhall with Sword and Mace Bearers. Further photos can be found on Flickr




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