Mayor’s Week: 17 – 23 March 2017

Mayor’s Week: 17 – 23 March 2017

Worcester Snoezelen is a charity which provides special spaces designed to stimulate and add interest to the lives of local people with a variety of disabilities. It is not very well known beyond its users and their families, but is very deserving of our support. So the Mayoress and I were delighted to attend their fundraising Dancethon at the University.

It was good to see, yet again, students from our university giving up their time to help run this event. There was three hours of dancing, including bangra, salsa and zumba, which provided a lot of fun for everyone there. Even I, with a lifetime dancing disability, was persuaded to have a go by a young lady who was not to be refused!

Later, we were able to relax a little when we watched The Magic Flute, performed by our excellent Great Witley Operatic Society at the Swan Theatre. An improbable storyline was skillfully presented by the singers and actors, and Mozart’s music is always a joy.

The Worcester Competitive Arts Festival was held over two Saturdays at the Royal Grammar School. We were invited to the final day, and saw extremely talented actors, poets and musicians who were judged by professional adjudicators before winners were announced. Congratulations to everyone who took part.

A large group of French students from Normandy arrived at the Guildhall on Monday. They were on an exchange with Christopher Whitehead Language College. They spoke good English and enjoyed touring the Guildhall, asking several interesting questions.

On Tuesday, I presented grants to local charities from Worcester Lions at a special event in the Parlour.

The following day I spoke about my time as Mayor at a social event run by Worcester South Rotary Club. Members of both the Lions and Rotary spend lots of time fund-raising – and all of it benefits disadvantaged people.

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