Mayor’s Week: 24 – 30 March 2017

Mayor’s Week: 24 – 30 March 2017

Ronkswood was the venue for our visit to open new housing built by Fortis Living, on part of a site formerly occupied by the church. The new houses are fully occupied and have helped reduce our long waiting list.

Later, we were warmly welcomed by Zoe and Keith, owners of Henley McKay Kitchens in Britannia Square. They hosted a Bake Off competition for Red Nose Day and I had the very difficult job of selecting the winning cake from the final two. Congratulations to everyone involved. The event raised worthwhile funds for the BBC charity.

In the evening, Worcester Concert Brass performed “Around the World in 90 Minutes” to an enthusiastic audience in The Guildhall’s magnificent Assembly Room. This raised money for my chosen charities. Warm thanks to Chris License and his band for entertaining us so well.

Saturday was busy. We attended the 55+ Retirement Roadshow where there was lots of advice to help my generation stay healthy and happy for longer. Next I gave Councillor Matt Lamb’s family and friends a tour of The Guildhall.

In the evening, we joined the Earth Hour event at the Angel Centre, followed by the Worcester Festival Chorus Spring Concert in the Cathedral. We are indeed fortunate to have this top-class choir and our magnificent cathedral for such musical performances.

On Monday, the younger generation entertained us. Poetry readers, actors and musicians who had won their sections in the Worcester Competitive Arts Festival produced superb performances at the Royal Grammar School.

The Stars and Stripes flag flew over The Guildhall in honour of the President of the Worcester (Massachusetts) Polytechnic Institute, who visited on Tuesday. Dr Laurie Leshin is an eminent space scientist who has worked for NASA. She kindly brought a letter of greetings to our city, from her city’s mayor.

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