Mayor’s Week: 17 – 24 March 2013

Mayor’s Week: 17 – 24 March 2013

Last Sunday Jill and I attended the civic service of the Mayor of Redditch, Cllr Alan and Mrs Nina Mason, at the Parish Church of St Stephens. Afterwards we met local community representatives in the Town Hall.

On Monday it was the opening of the new nursery play area at Fort Royal School, courtesy of a grant from the Ganet Foundation.  It really was great to see the children enjoying themselves outside in the winter sun, thanks to fundraiser Margaret Jones and Head Teacher Jane Long.

The following day we joined staff and children at Perdiswell Primary School for their “Mad Science Day”.  As part of the activities, I was able to join members of the Worcester Amateur Radio Association in talking to another “ham” in Preston.  Jill and I enjoyed visiting all the classes and seeing the children so fully engaged in the event. Thanks go to Mrs Bryan, Science Co-ordinator, and the Head Teacher.

For the next three days I was struck by a nasty stomach bug so cancelled my visit to The Rotary Club of Worcester South. I was grateful for the support of the Deputy Mayor, Pat Agar, who attended Wood Norton Hall on Friday for a Charity Banquet held by the Chairman of Wychavon, Cllr Richard Morris.

Mayoress Jill Berry stepped in to welcome a group of visually impaired students from New College  on Wednesday, who visited the Guildhall.  She deputised again on Thursday at the Bishop Perowne C of E College’s 50th anniversary celebrations.  It was an evening of music and dance, performed by students past and present. She commented on the high standard and enjoyed the evening very much.

By Saturday I had made sufficient recovery to officially open and attend the Lions 105M District’s 38th Annual Convention at The Pear Tree Inn. Worcester was the host Branch and I was pleased to welcome delegates from throughout the Midlands, including District Governor Paul Anstice and International Director Benedict Ancar, who lives in Romania.  Thanks go to Angie Wytcherley of the Lions Worcester Branch.

Finally, may I take the opportunity to publicise our next fundraiser, which will be a vibrant Gilbert & Sullivan performance of the much loved Pirates of Penzance.  The performance will take place at the Guildhall on the evening of April 27; don’t miss it!  Tickets are available for £10 from the Mayor’s Secretary, Susan O’Kane – tel 01905 722001.


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