Mayor’s Week: 18 – 25 January 2016

Mayor’s Week: 18 – 25 January 2016

It proved to be a bit of an educational week, starting with an invitation from The Principal of Blessed Edward Oldcorne College, Mr Sean Devlin, and then an invitation from Mr Michael Painter, Head of Cherry Orchard School. Both visits were very enjoyable and interesting, with Blessed Edward demonstrating a very wide range of educational opportunities and at Cherry, the enthusiasm and excitement of those youngsters just starting out on the educational trail was infectious!

Whilst I had some knowledge of the range of activities within Blessed Edward, I was impressed by the breadth and variety of learning available. My wife and I were shown around by Lucy, Head Girl, and Henry, Deputy Head Boy.  Their knowledge of both the college and the extensive range of educational opportunities were second to none – they are both a great credit to the college.  I’d like to thank them for their time and for answering our myriad of questions; they made the visit a real delight!

Cherry Orchard Primary School is somewhere I feel at home, not only because educationally it’s about my level, but also because I was a Governor at the school for some twelve years. Each time I go back I see improvements; the school seems to blossom a little more as each year passes.  All the staff are as upbeat and enthusiastic as ever.  The children were beautifully behaved, very keen and smiles were in evidence everywhere.

I should declare an interest, as we say in Council, in that all five of our grandchildren have passed through these educational establishments, benefitting both from a good start to learning and gaining a very good education – with both schools drawing out, enhancing and developing their better qualities.

You may have seen in the Worcester News that an historic print of a painting by Paul Sandby, showing Worcester after it had recovered from the devastation of the Civil War, was generously presented to the City by Rebecca Johnson and her sister. The coloured print was part of the Worcestershire Exhibition in 1882 and will be hung in the museum.

Also featured in the paper was the viewing of the new plaque to be located on the wall of the Whitehouse Hotel, commemorating the visit and stay of Adams and Jefferson to the Hop Pole Inn during April 1786.

We were blessed (excuse the pun) with an invitation to join Bishop John at The Old Palace for a delightful reception in the Hall overlooking the river side. A lovely way to end the week!

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