Mayor’s Week, 19 – 25 August 2012

Mayor’s Week, 19 – 25 August 2012

On Sunday we were welcomed at The Quay by visitWorcester to meet exhibitors at The Annual Riverside Artists’ Market. It was great to be greeted by good weather and appreciative crowds for what is a really enjoyable experience.

Thanks to the artists who made us so welcome, in particular for the excellent caricature which I was presented with.

Later we joined SUSTRANS, Sustainable Transport, for a celebration of the new riverside paths for cycling and walking. It was pleasing to note how well the new facilities were being enjoyed, particularly by young families with children.

Afterwards we were treated to a trip by bicycle-rickshaw around the route from the old bridge to the new Diglis footbridge and back.

The new Diglis footbridge is clearly being well-used and people were really enjoying the riverside improvements. It is a pity that the recently-renovated footbridge over the dock remains out of use; this I will raise in another place!

Monday and Tuesday were mainly meetings with the Editor of the Standard, the Rotary and Councillor Cawthorne to plan future events as part of my wish to highlight the issue of homelessness in the City and to raise funds for the Mayoral Charities.

On Wednesday, the Deputy Mayor Pat Agar and I welcomed a party of Japanese students to see the Guildhall; they are on a month’s trip to the University. It was interesting how much they enjoyed wearing my robes and being photographed wearing the Chain!

On Friday morning I was able to join my U3A Walking group at Storridge for an enjoyable walk.

In the afternoon a group of Norwegian MPs were welcomed to the Parlour by Councillor Lucy Hodgson and myself. They are spending a week in Worcester studying English and this was part of their cultural experience. It was interesting to see how discussions soon focussed on economic problems and on local Government.

On Saturday Jill and I enjoyed an evening at The Swan Theatre as part of the Festival, which this year had been blessed by good weather until the final events. Thanks to all those volunteers and staff who work so hard to make it a success.

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