What a fantastic 2012 Worcester City Flower Show

What a fantastic 2012 Worcester City Flower Show

Having returned from holiday the Mayoress and I were greeted with a city in a Festival mood and temperatures more reminiscent of Central Europe.

We attended the opening of the annual Flower Show at Gheluvelt Park on Saturday. What a site to behold with many more stalls, good weather and plenty of visitors enjoying the event.

In this week  of the tenth  annual Worcester Festival it was great to meet so many local people enjoying themselves in the sunshine. We were given a sneak preview of the exhibitors, with cabbages so big it was almost impossible to lift them.

The time and effort put into the exhibition is only to be praised as are the judges, Worcester City Council staff and the volunteers who have worked so hard to make the Flower Show such a success.

Jill and I tried to speak with as many people as possible and quickly built up quite a selection of purchases. Thanks must also go to The Friends of Gheluvelt Park who were entertaining the children with games. Wandering around, we thought there were many more attendees than usual – a great reward for such a well-organised event.

At 4pm we were able to present prizes and meet many of the winners. As an innovation, winners’ cups are to be displayed in a new cabinet in the Guildhall. Congratulations to all who played their part in such an enjoyable day.

A further selection of photos can be found on the Worcester Parks facebook page.

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