Mayor’s Week: 19 – 25 May 2013

Mayor’s Week: 19 – 25 May 2013

My Mayoral week began with a particularly pleasant invitation to judge a speech competition at St Barnabas Primary School.

Younger contestants recited poems and older competitors gave talks on the theme, “My Favourite Modern Invention.” X – Boxes, mobile phones, karate, and even a well-known brand of make up were among the favourite inventions chosen.

By the end of the morning, I was better informed about all of these inventions, and greatly impressed by the standard of speaking and research.

Such competitions take place thanks to a partnership between local Rotarians and city schools.

On Tuesday, over 40 people became British Citizens in a ceremony at County Hall. They took an oath and received certificates of citizenship.

Citizenship Ceremonies can be quite emotional occasions – when we concluded with the National Anthem, I am sure there was not a dry eye in the room.

Congratulations to all our new citizens living in Worcestershire!

Later in the week, I witnessed the opening of bids for the next stage of planning for the new swimming pool. There is still a long way to go before the council make a decision, but we are one step nearer.

My Consort, Phil, and I ended our week with Mayor-Making in Kidderminster. Stepping down were Mayor John Aston and the Mayoress, Mrs Madeline Craddock, who had raised £12,000 for charity during the year. The new Mayor, Councillor John Campion, was formally invested and took the oath of office.

I also managed to have coffee and cake with Worcester Lions, who organise two or three coffee mornings a year at the Guildhall, raising thousands of pounds for local charities annually. I can recommend the coffee and walnut cake.

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