Mayor’s Week: 19 – 25 September 2020

Mayor’s Week: 19 – 25 September 2020

I hope you all took advantage of Heritage Week and visited a building or two of historic or cultural interest which you might not normally visit.  On Saturday, Frank Southam, the Mayor’s Sword Bearer and I had the opportunity to share stories and show artefacts to residents and visitors to the City as they came to the Guildhall to see and hear about Worcester’s heritage.  There was the opportunity to show visitors the City’s “treasures” and look around the Parlour which is not usually open to the public without an appointment.  A huge thank you to all the staff who were in the Guildhall to welcome visitors and point them in the right direction to see our wonderful heritage.  It was a great success enjoyed by all those who visited.

On Thursday evening Dave and I visited Kingsway House in Foregate Street.  Rick and Sue Johns, directors of Kingsway House, welcomed us and showed us around the building which Rick has restored beautifully.  This local business was a place of education where international business students were able to learn English to enable them to communicate more effectively within their businesses.  Since the lockdown in March and the subsequent difficulties around foreign travel, some businesses have had to diversify and Kingsway House has become a “phoenix risen from the ashes”.  It now offers co-working space, event space and offices for individuals and small businesses to work and meet and network.

I had hoped to meet with a number of local professional people to discuss the difficulties which so many businesses have experienced and the innovative ways that they have diversified, but unfortunately that was not possible because of the restrictions on numbers allowed to meet.  Sue and Rick were entertaining and informative hosts however, and I wish them every success in their new venture.

My very best wishes and hopes go out to all local business people who are having a very difficult time during this pandemic.

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