Mayor’s Week: 26 September – 2 October 2020

Mayor’s Week: 26 September – 2 October 2020

Have you downloaded the NHS Covid-19 App yet?  You use it to log in to places you visit and it will tell you if you have been near someone who has tested positive.  If you have been, it’s essential that you self-isolate for the protection of others to stop the spread of this dreadful pandemic.  I have downloaded it on to my phone because I believe it is so important that we do everything we can to slow down this disease.  I hope you feel the same way too.

Once again, we held a full Council meeting by Zoom on Tuesday evening.  My thanks to councillors and officers for their co-operation and patience during the meeting.  We covered many topics and those councillors who wished to contribute to the debates did so and decisions were made.  I find it challenging to keep an eye on 43 faces on the screen.  Many thanks to officers who are also keeping an eye on who is indicating that they want to speak, so I don’t miss anyone.  It’s good to know that Council business continues as usual.

October is Black History Month – an opportunity to recognise and celebrate the culture and heritage of black people in this country, as well as positive black contributions to British society.  This morning I will be recording a message to promote the campaign so if you are in town at 11.00am, please come and join me outside the Guildhall.

Finally, I would like to wish all those young people who have gone off to University in the last week or two, the very best of experiences in their studies.  University is a whole life experience when young people become independent and responsible for themselves as well as furthering their education.  My plea to them is to remember that the present restrictions on their freedom are there for a reason.  Please keep yourselves and your friends and family safe by following guidelines.  Have a fantastic three or four years – but stay safe and keep others safe too.

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