Mayor’s Week: 19 – 26 February 2015

Mayor’s Week: 19 – 26 February 2015

It’s always comforting to start a week well as it often indicates a trend. So I was very proud to help launch Worcester 10K 2015 at the County Cricket Ground. The enormous success of last year’s race showed how well Worcester can organise a top class event. This year’s will be even bigger and better. Whilst it’s about encouraging people to participate in physical activity, it’s also about having a fun day out and there will be more stalls than ever to guarantee our enjoyment.


What a delight to have attended the second anniversary of Latimer Court Care Home. The minute I walked in, the atmosphere was friendly and caring and the devoted staff provided what the residents want and need most – personal attention and time to talk and help. I will always remember the poems and readings by amazing resident Dorothy Capper. The more risqué ones were the funniest! So, thank you Dorothy – keep on making people laugh. We could do with people like you on the Council! And congratulations to Dulcie Fletcher, the very first resident of Latimer Court, to whom I presented a beautiful bouquet of flowers.

An enormous amount of very rewarding time was spent last week drawing up the shortlists for the first-ever “Best of Worcester” Community Awards which will be presented at a ceremony at the Mayor’s Charity Dinner on 20 March. We were over the moon to have received a staggering 173 nominations, all of which were given thorough consideration. Without exception, everyone was worthwhile and had merit so, in that real sense, every nomination was a winner.

Having recently hosted a group of students from the school, it was good to meet Mr Mark Pollard, the new incoming Head Teacher of Bishop Perowne, and to wish him well. I know he has a superb set of pupils to work with.

Never forgetting to look after my constituents in Warndon and Gorse Hill, I attended a meeting of the Blackpole & Fairmount Community Group and took up a number of issues; then met a resident at my Saturday surgery to investigate her concerns about a social services matter.

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