Mayor’s Week: 19 – 26 February 2021

Mayor’s Week: 19 – 26 February 2021

As I write this diary I am looking out at a blue sky and bright sunshine and have the promise of better times to come, now that we have our roadmap to freedom.

When I spoke to Mayor Joe Petty in Worcester Massachusetts this week, he was feeling optimistic about recovery too and we spent time talking about how later this year, they could help us to celebrate our four hundred year Charter, which first incorporated Worcester as a city and created the role of Mayor in 1621.  Likewise, we will do all we can to help Worcester MA to celebrate the 300th anniversary of the founding of their town next year.  As I said to Joe, we beat you by 100 years – I am pleased to say it raised a smile!  I was able to update the Twinning Association on the latest developments when I attended their AGM later that evening as President of the Association.  We hope that twinning can add something to the celebrations on both sides of “the pond”.

The City Council held its budget setting meeting this week and with four motions to debate on top of the budget, I feel we did well to get through it in less than three hours.  We commemorated the death of Peggy Neil, a past Mayoress of Worcester in the 1980s, with a minute’s silence.  Until very recently Peggy’s husband Bernard was the only councillor to be Mayor of Worcester twice in modern times.

On Friday I recorded a speech to mark LGBTQ+ History Month this February.  The rainbow flag has been flying in Cathedral Square all month in celebration.  Worcester City Council is pleased to support local community groups such as Out2gether, Worcestershire Pride and the University of Worcester students in their efforts to raise awareness of our LGBTQ+ community and make Worcester an inclusive and welcoming place for all.

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