Mayor’s Week: 27 February – 5 March 2021

Mayor’s Week: 27 February – 5 March 2021

I would like to say ‘hello’ to the members of the 1st Worcester Cubs’ group, joined me for a Zoom call this week.   There were about 20 cubs in attendance and we had a question-and-answer session, with them asking the questions and me providing the answers.  I enjoyed the call and I hope I will be able to meet them in person and show them round the Guildhall before my year comes to an end.

I don’t know whether you realise that next Monday 8 March is International Women’s Day?  The theme this year is Women in Leadership: Achieving an equal future in a post COVID19 world.  In national politics less than 25% of people are female – and yet women’s full and effective participation and leadership in all areas of life makes progress for everyone.

At Worcester City Council we currently have 13 women councillors out of 35; that’s more than a third, so better than in some other councils. The first female Mayor of Worcester was Diana Ogilvy in 1931 to 1932.  Only 16 women have held the position of Mayor in the 399 years that the role has existed in our city.  I hope that there will be many more women in the coming years who will wear the chain and the robes and take on the role of First Citizen.

I am sure that like me, you are looking forward to Monday 8 March, when we start to ease out of the lockdown.  Small steps to start with:  on Monday our children will return to school and outdoor after-school sports and activities will be allowed.  Most importantly people in care homes will be able to have one regular visitor with whom they can hold hands, and two people can meet up in an outdoor public space and have a drink or a picnic. Let’s hope we have good weather for that last one, but I bet you will see people out and about and meeting a friend whatever the weather.  Yippee, roll on freedom!!

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