Mayor’s Week, 2 – 8 January 2012

Mayor’s Week, 2 – 8 January 2012

One hundred years ago, January 1912, was an interesting month for events: The Republic of China was established, The Scout Association was incorporated throughout the British Commonwealth by Royal Charter, The African National Congress was founded, The English polar explorer Captain Robert Falcon Scott and a team of four reached the South Pole only to discover that Roald Amundsen had got there before, The International Opium Convention was signed at The Hague, the world’s first flying boat’s maiden flight and the moon was nearer to the earth than it had been this century at 356,375 kms. Wow!

It seemed very odd to have few mayoral engagements this week but at least it gave Jane and me a chance to recharge our civic batteries.

Wednesday 4th: The group planning the commemoration, in August 2014, of the Centenary of the outbreak of the First World War is coming up with some interesting ideas. We met in the Parlour this afternoon. It is clear from what Lord Faulkner tells us that we in Worcester are “ahead of the game”. What we now need to do is crystallise our thoughts into a provisional plan. However we do want to involve as many people as possible in making contributions. So we will be placing a leaflet and box in the Guildhall Lower Hall for suggestions or you can write to me directly.

Cllr David CandlerThursday 5th: David Candler, who stepped down as a City Councillor last year, died on 13th December. Jane and I felt privileged to represent the City at his funeral today. David was a true friend even though we were of different political persuasions. I cannot improve on the words in the “Independent” newspaper: “….A forthright, unassuming man of great charm, aided by a dry wit, Candler kept life in politics in proportion; hating pomposity, he was never scared of asking difficult questions which helped to remind politicians who they were serving.”  I think we should all remember that!

The City Council’s Planning Committee was held later than usual at 7pm. The consideration of the application for a new stadium for the Worcester Football Club was the major item, the debate lasting three hours. I eventually reached home at mid night!

Is tonight Twelfth Night” or tomorrow? The Shorter Oxford English Dictionary says it is “the evening of the 5th January, preceding Twelfth Day, the eve of the Epiphany, formerly the last day of the Christmas festivities and observed as a time of merrymaking”. But there is confusion as some count the night of Epiphany itself (6th January) to be “Twelfth Night”. If you count 25th December as the first day of Christmas then the 5th January is the correct. Whichever day you favour do not leave your Christmas decorations up after “Twelfth Night”…it’s said to be unlucky!

Friday 6th: Another meeting with the Rotary Club of Worcester to continuing the planning for our joint “Diamond Celebration Dinner” on Friday, 10th February. It is really taking shape now so please come and enjoy this “posh street party” booking your places through the Mayor’s office: 01905 722001 or

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