Mayor’s Week: 2 – 8 June 2016

Mayor’s Week: 2 – 8 June 2016

My loyalties were tested at New Road last week, when the mayoress and I watched Worcestershire play Yorkshire in a 20:20 match. We were guests of Worcester News editor Peter John and, as a Yorkshiremen who has lived most of his life in Worcestershire, it didn’t matter too much which side won!  Both sides played well and the home team won by seven wickets.

I was delighted to chair the annual general meeting of Worcester District Scouts on Monday evening. The scouting movement relies on hundreds of enthusiastic adult volunteers who provide enjoyable and challenging opportunities. We watched presentations about trips to Iceland and Switzerland delivered by the young people.  Scouting produces resilient, confident and resourceful men and women, who are  well prepared for adulthood.

On Tuesday we met two bishops on the same day! Bishop John of Worcester presided over the annual general meeting of the Friends of Worcestershire Royal Hospital. We were impressed to learn how much money had been collected by this charity and used to provide a variety of equipment, which helps the brilliant hospital staff to serve their patients better.

In the evening, Bishop Graham of Dudley licensed the new vicar of St Marks in the Cherry Orchard with St Philips in Whittington churches. A packed congregation experienced a joyful event and the new vicar, Rev Andy Stand, received a very warm welcome. Andy intends to serve everyone living in his parish, not just church-goers, so he will become a familiar face in the years ahead.

Aspies is a local charity providing a safe, supporting meeting place for the many diagnosed with Aspberger Syndrome. These lovely people are wired differently, and think differently, from the rest of us. Without proper help, the consequences can be devastating. So I was delighted to visit their art exhibition on Wednesday. Under the guidance of local artist Kay Mullett, Aspie members had created some excellent watercolour paintings and photographs.


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