Mayor’s Week: 26 May – 1 June

Mayor’s Week: 26 May – 1 June

My daughter Lucinda is the Mayor’s consort and has agreed to accompany me when the mayoress is otherwise engaged. Lucinda graduated from the University of Worcester two years ago, so she enjoyed visiting the Arena with me for this year’s Worcester Award presentations.

It can be difficult for a newly-qualified university graduate to convince potential employers that they stand out from other applicants and the University of Worcester Award helps them do this. Students who apply for the Award have to complete work experience, voluntary activities, presentations and interview practice and these are great preparation for employment. Our University students are very successful in finding work and the Award will certainly help.

On Saturday, the mayoress and I attended a Fun Day, held at Ronkswood Community Centre. Most of our community centres are managed by Worcester Community Trust (WCT) which works hard, with volunteers, to provide community activities for the most disadvantaged areas of our city. In recent years, council and charity funding for WCT has been drastically reduced, so it’s hard to keep going.

Seeing local children enjoying free fun activities, which families might struggle to afford, was a wonderful experience. Thank you to WCT’s staff and volunteers for making this such a success.

Young members of Worcester Sea Cadets, looking splendid in their smart uniforms, took part in a Guildhall commemoration of the centenary of the Battle of Jutland. A short service of remembrance was held for those who died, including some from Worcestershire. There were also interesting displays about this important battle of the high seas.

Greyfriars in Friar Street invited us to their celebration of 50 years’ association with the National Trust. Twenty thousand people visited this ancient merchant’s house and garden last year. Enthusiastic volunteer guides ensure memorable visits and I would encourage local residents to bring friends and families to see this hidden gem.

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