Mayor’s Week: 2 – 9 February 2016

Mayor’s Week: 2 – 9 February 2016

The first Health Futures University Technical College (UTC) has now officially been launched with Lord Baker, Chairman of the Baker Dearing Trust, unveiling a plaque at an event I attended. The college is located in West Bromwich and aims to create the next generation of health care specialists, healthcare practitioners, leaders and career scientists.  Some twenty health, education and public sector organisations from across the West Midlands have come together to form this partnership, rarely seen in traditional schools and colleges, enabling a combination of national qualification teaching and hands-on project learning under the supervision of healthcare professionals.

Over 250 students have joined the UTC, putting them on a pathway to a promising educational experience. With entrants from Year 10 upwards, there is an exciting and different learning opportunity available. A type of apprentice employment can be linked into this, meaning that students can go on to complete degrees without accruing the debt normally associated with higher education today.  It seems a very interesting project, offering some great opportunities.

health centre

On a different note, we met to finalise details of the Mayor’s main funding raising event this Municipal year; not a charity dinner as is custom and practise, but a Frog Racing night in the Guildhall. Yes, Frog Racing!! Not real live ones, I hasten to add, but a great fun evening of racing MDF cut outs which will make for one hilarious night out.  Certainly a more lively way to raise money for Acorns, Daisychain and Sight Concern – and a different way to celebrate Valentines Weekend!  The event takes place tonight (Saturday 13th February).

Frog on a white background

The annual Worcester City Council staff awards evening took place in the Guildhall on Friday 5th February.  Titled the Staff WOSCARS, it is an opportunity to recognise those who have excelled or gone out of their way to deliver exceptional service.  There were many award categories, but some in particular stood out.  In any organisation you are lucky to have one or maybe two people that could be called “inspirational leaders”; but at this event we had four!  Nominations actually come from employees, so to have four nominations really says something positive about the organisation and its culture.  It was very pleasing to see two members of staff recognised for lifetime service awards, both had completed over forty years’ service to the Council and both greatly deserved this well earned award.


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