Mayor’s Week: 21 – 27 June 2020

Mayor’s Week: 21 – 27 June 2020

I start my blog on a very sad note.  My heart goes out to the families and friends of the three people who were murdered last Saturday evening in Reading, and also to the others who were injured in the same incident.  We have been through the most frightening and disruptive period that many of us have ever endured, and the need for kindness and thoughtfulness is essential for our mental and physical survival.

On Monday morning the Armed Forces flag was raised above the Guildhall.  I was pleased to welcome Captain Bob Lowe from 214 Battery and Dave Waldron, Chairman of the Worcestershire Royal British Legion, who joined me, my Consort and my Chaplain Sarah Northall on the steps of the Guildhall.   A small but poignant ceremony was held to honour our brave service men and women who keep us and our way of life safe.

On Tuesday morning I met Tracy Spiers from the magazine Cotswold Life in the Parlour to talk about Worcester shops reopening.  Tracy is writing an article to promote Worcester shops’ return to business.  I am very pleased to do anything I can to help get Worcester’s economy moving again.

The Unity of Faiths Foundation is running a competition to find the UK’s kindest City.  I believe strongly that we should be doing anything we can to make the lives of others easier by spreading a little kindness.  Please let me know of any kindness you witness (email if you would like to enter the competition.  Worcester people have always been genuinely kind, so let’s broadcast it!

No doubt we are all looking forward to the changes to lockdown which begin on 4 July.  With the two-metre rule being reduced to one metre plus and pubs and restaurants cautiously re-opening, we are seeing a gradual but significant return to our old way of life.

I do urge you all to enjoy these freedoms, but also to take great care and where necessary wear face coverings.  I have been in town a few times and I have always worn my home-made mask.   Look after yourselves and each other.  Now more than ever is a time for caution and consideration.

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