Mayor’s Week: 27 June – 3 July 2020

Mayor’s Week: 27 June – 3 July 2020

Here we are, another week closer to a return to our normal way of life – or alternatively, another week of restrictions to our freedom.  It depends on how you look at it.  It is important to remember that from today groups of two households can meet indoors or outdoors, even staying overnight in each other’s houses, as long as social distancing is maintained.  This means that families who have not been able to get together can now do so.

Many businesses are opening again today and I am looking forward to having my hair cut.  You will be able to have a meal or a drink or go to a theme park, as long as they are COVID secure – but please remember that the risk of transmission is greater when you are indoors, so take extra care.

It is worrying that lockdown is being re-imposed in Leicester because of an increase in coronavirus cases.  It is a stark reminder that we are not out of this crisis and still need to social distance and wear masks when on public transport – and anywhere else where we cannot stay at a safe distance from those around us.   These measures are not just for our own safety but for the safety and consideration of other people too.

Do you remember when we went onto our doorsteps every Thursday evening to clap the care workers, doctors, nurses, NHS staff and key workers who put their lives on the line for us, and still do today?  On Sunday 5 July we celebrate the 72nd anniversary of the founding of our NHS and now, more than ever, we should be thankful for the greatest health care system in the world.  Happy birthday NHS, and thank you for taking care of us.

Just one word of warning.  Along with other scams reported in the Worcester News, there is one going around at the moment asking people to renew their TV licences and give bank details.  Don’t fall for it and don’t give your bank details to anyone over the phone or over a social network.  Stay safe.

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