MAYOR’S WEEK: 21 – 27 MAY 2023

MAYOR’S WEEK: 21 – 27 MAY 2023

Sometimes it’s surprising what sparks interest. There has been a Mayor of Worcester for centuries. I am sure traditions come and go with the mood of the times. Like so many before me I was invited to have my photograph taken at the Guildhall with all the robes, neck ruffles, gloves and chain of office. And, being the first Green Mayor of Worcester, I thought I’d better make my mark. Little did I know what I was about to unleash. One of the new Mayor photos has always been taken on the Guildhall steps. Why not have some fun having one of my photos in full resplendent regalia whilst incongruously sitting on my rather tatty bike?

I made a twitter social media post with the picture saying just because I’m Mayor I’m still planning to get around the city by bike. I didn’t think I was saying anything particularly special.

My tweet went viral and I had Worcester News and BBC radio contact me for interviews wanting more on the story. Apparently city Mayors don’t normally cycle around the city. Sometimes it’s an education and a lovely surprise to know what other people think is interesting.

My first Mayoral gig, by happy coincidence, was to be invited to ride along with children on Bike Buses to North Worcester and St George’s Primary Schools. It’s great to see so many young people traveling to school by bike instead of car. Well done to Katie and Rob Collier and all the other volunteers that make this happen.

Later in the week I was invited to mark the unveiling of a new roadside milestone that has been erected on Whittington Road by the Oak Apple pub. The milestone was skilfully carved pretty much by hand by our Cathedral second-year apprentice Debbie Branford. Thank you Jan Scrine, from the Milestone society, for all that you do.

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