MAYOR’S WEEK: 14 – 17 MAY 2023

MAYOR’S WEEK: 14 – 17 MAY 2023

This final week has brought together many of my year’s themes of enjoying art, culture and our heritage to improve our mental and physical well-being.

I did a Question and Answer session with pupils on a work experience session from Christopher Whitehead’s. In some ways I learned more about my year that morning than I had thought about previously!

We opened up the Wild Worcestershire Way, a series of interlinking footways around the city to showcase our natural environment. And we learned a new song, which possibly Steve is still singing now! I was sorry the Balloons were cancelled as I had some reference to politicians and hot air but they were a bit obvious.

I was worked hard on Tuesday, my last day, opening a Dementia Fair in the Guildhall. This is an issue we have experienced in our family so, as with OnSide, I was pleased to be associated with it.

I went to meet the relatives of a man killed in the First World War and only recently identified and re-buried as William Cubberley in March, while we had been in Belgium. That was a moving and fascinating story involving DNA tracing. And then we finished off with the Rainbows, youngest of the Guide movement, enjoying a trip round the Guildhall, visiting the cells, and taking seven of them to hold the Sword of State.

The same Sword was carried in before me for the last time at Annual Council. An emotional and moving experience soon washed away by the politics of the meeting!

Like my 10k Run, and the Ale Trail, I have completed the Mayoral Year at a steady pace, with the odd burst of speed, but with a real opportunity to linger and enjoy the experience when possible. I have. I hope Louis does too. GSTQ!



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