Mayor’s Week: 23 – 30 April 2015

Mayor’s Week: 23 – 30 April 2015

  • I was immensely honoured to have taken the salute outside The Guildhall at the march-past of the Worcester District Scouts St. George’s Day Parade, after having been entertained to a “dragon fight” in the Cathedral. The City is enormously proud that so many of our young people are in this organisation, doing something constructive and undertaking a great deal of community work for others.

The Worcester Male Voice Choir gave yet another superb performance, this time in St. Martin’s Church for a St. George’s Day Concert. Somehow, the new sleek and very fitting lighting in the church seemed to enhance the sound. Rendition of “The Impossible Dream” is always so moving, and there was much vigour as the audience waved their flags. Let’s keep these English traditions going.

I absolutely loved my Desert Island Discs live interview on Choice Radio at The Royal Hospital, talking about my political career and Mayoral year. My six choices reflected the various emotions and moods that a politician goes through. Tony Deakin is a superb interviewer; his questions were carefully crafted to tease out more information, which neatly led on to more questions. And he had done his research. Well done Tony, and Pete the technician, for putting it all together so smoothly.

The weekend started very happily with the opening of the Riversides School Spring Fair, so successful that I hope it becomes an annual event. Tom, one of the pupils, offered to be my guide for the morning and he did it so well that I have invited him to The Parlour for tea-tour-chat, as a little thank you. Mind you, when the bouncy castle sprung a leak, I did tell people that if they could somehow plug it in to a Council meeting, they would get enough hot air to keep it pumped up for at least a week!

And please, please visit the Museum of Royal Worcester. As I again saw, not only are there so many world class beautiful porcelain items, but it also reflects a vital part of our City’s heritage.

My Parlour guests this week included the Creative Group from St. Paul’s hostel, certainly one of the nicest groups of people I have met. Thank you Damian and Tom for the very kind words you wrote in the Visitors’ Book.




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