Mayor’s Week: 23 – 30 May 2014

Mayor’s Week: 23 – 30 May 2014

Over the last week and a half, much of my workload and excitement has been connected with the local elections. Our various electoral officers have been working long hours to meet immovable deadlines for several weeks, but they are made of stern stuff and seem to have thrived on the challenge.

This week, I welcomed several local groups to the Parlour, including young members of the Filipino Association, the Worcester Operatic and Dramatic Youth Section and two friendship groups. WODYS’ dramatic flair was very much in evidence when they tried on the regalia, and the young Filipino Association were a very polite, knowledgeable group who are energetic fundraisers for local charities.

Phil and I also had lunch with local Rotarians, who were keen to hear about the Mayoral year and about the future of the city. Personally, I would like to see the Faithful City become better known for its fascinating civil war heritage and to see more visitors attracted to Worcester in the future.

Sadly for me, this is my last week as Mayor of Worcester. End-of-the year engagements include an auction of promises in aid of the Star of Hope Transformation Centre in Lagos; the Volunteer Centre’s Fair; unveiling a plaque on the Cross to commemorate the Droitwich turnpike; joining the Oakville Singers on Sabrina Bridge to honour their link with the German Dionysius (Choir) from Krefeld in Germany, and attending a women’s question time event called “Worcester Woman Talks Back.”

I have thoroughly enjoyed my year as Mayor, and in particular writing this weekly Column for the Worcester News, in which I’ve hoped to share some of the fun with readers. A special thank you to the Worcester News for giving me that opportunity.


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