Mayor’s Week: 26 – 31 July 2020

Mayor’s Week: 26 – 31 July 2020

This is turning out to be strange year as far as being Mayor is concerned.  When I became Deputy Mayor in May 2019, I realised that traditionally it could result in me being made Mayor in May 2020 – and I would probably be very busy up until May 2021. I expected that that I wouldn’t have time to take a holiday and anticipated a busy but very happy and satisfying year of mayoral activities. How different life in the Parlour has turned out to be.

I am actually taking a short break and as I write this, the sun is shining and I am looking forward to a reprise from Council work.  I have a few engagements in the diary alongside my committee work and other responsibilities in my ward and for other organisations.  However, life is much quieter than I ever thought it would be.

Exciting things are going on at Worcester City Council with the Future High Street Fund submission, which we hope will see us awarded up to £25m for renovations and improvements to our city centre area.  I am pleased to be a member of the Policy and Resources committee which met on Tuesday to oversee the bid and how the money will be spent. Potentially, it is something which Worcester can look forward to.

The Guildhall is open for visitors; 15 people are allowed in at a time, and the Tourist Information Centre is open too, so come along and see us and let’s try to bring some life back into the city centre.  The Guildhall attendants are organising a Welcome Back Worcester showcase from Monday 3 August in the Guildhall forecourt so that the Council, Worcester Festival and Freedom Leisure can show what they have been doing since lockdown was eased.  It’s worth a visit and will help to bring Worcester back to its pre-coronavirus days.

Please take care and keep yourselves safe, think of your neighbours and keep them safe too, and remember one day this will all be over and we will return to normal life.

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