Mayor’s Week: 1 – 7 August 2020

Mayor’s Week: 1 – 7 August 2020

Has anyone tried the Government scheme Eat Out to Help Out?  Dave and I did on Monday. It was not planned and we had forgotten it came into force on that day, but we were having breakfast in a Premier Inn where we had been staying for a few nights and when we were settling the bill to pay for the breakfast, two of us ate for the price of one. A rather nice ending to a spontaneous break of a few days near the sea.

If you get the chance please take advantage of the scheme, because as well as helping you by paying for half your bill it also helps the cafes and restaurants who badly need our custom to retain their businesses.

I am delighted to discover that Worcestershire Community Foundation, who have been supporting community groups and charities across the county during the COVID19 pandemic, have distributed £400,000 to 125 organisations county-wide since March 2020. These include foodbanks, hospices, community centres, homeless centres and volunteer groups. WCF has also raised £20,000 of local funding from individuals, businesses and local trusts.

We all hope that this support of Worcestershire communities will continue long into the future, so if you feel that as an individual or as a business you can donate to this fund please go to

During my few days away, I realised that you can get a break from home and see different surroundings without endangering yourself or others. It is so important to remember the advice we have all been following since March to wash your hands frequently, stay socially distanced by one metre plus, avoid enclosed spaces where possible and wear your face where required, including in shops and on public transport.

We live in a beautiful country and many people are staying safe by holidaying in the UK this year. As coronavirus cases start rising in some areas of the UK it is vital that each one of us does not endanger ourselves or others by our actions. Let’s keep Worcester a safe place in which to live and visit.


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