Mayor’s Week: 8 – 14 August 2020

Mayor’s Week: 8 – 14 August 2020

I am relieved that the extremely hot weather at the beginning of this week has been replaced with a cooler and more bearable temperature.  I am sure that some of you sun seekers will have loved it, but for some of us it became almost impossible to go outside for much of the daytime.  We now seem to have muggy weather with thunder storms and grey skies which is not what we want for the last few weeks of the summer holidays.  Can’t we have something in between these extremes?

It was very hot in the High Street on Wednesday evening when I joined the City Guides and David Saunders from the Civic Society to unveil the latest Blue Plaque to be erected in Worcester on the wall of Costa Coffee.  David Birtwhistle, a well-known and talented local artist, unveiled a plaque to the famous English actress of the late 18th and early 19th century, Sarah Siddons.  Sarah attended school at Thornloe House in Barbourne, later known as the Eye Hospital, and she performed in the “Barn” which was in the yard of the “Kings Head” pub, opposite the Guildhall and where Costa Coffee is now situated.  Sarah was one of the most famous actors of her day and performed before King George III at Windsor Castle and Buckingham Palace.  A worthy lady to be remembered in our historic city and a positive addition to the many interests which visitors can experience when they visit us.

Finally, I hope that those young people who in the last few days have received their ‘A’ level, BTec and other exam results are able to continue with their chosen course of study or career.  It has been a very difficult time for you with the disruptions to your education that lockdown caused and the way that your final grades have been calculated.  Some of you may find that you have not received the grades you expected – nevertheless, I hope that your chosen path works out for you.  Good luck to GCSE students for your results next week.

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