Mayor’s Week: 27 June – 2 July 2021

Mayor’s Week: 27 June – 2 July 2021

I have just returned from a few restful days in Northumberland, a county close to where I grew up and somewhere I can certainly recommend for your next UK holiday. The break also enabled me to recover from my operation performed by the Worcestershire Acute Hospitals NHS Trust, who were excellent. Now I am back home and preparing for an increasing number of events, as at last we return to some resemblance of normality.

On Thursday Lucy and I were entertained by Elsie and Norm’s Macbeth, performed by Worcester Repertory Company. The Commandery Gardens provide a superb backdrop for live theatre and these performances are one of the summer cultural highlights for our city.

Yesterday (Friday) I had three mayoral functions.  In the morning I was accompanied by Robin Walker MP and the Bishop of Worcester to visit some of the 25 new flats that Worcester Municipal Charities have developed for the city’s homeless.  They are located at Stillingfleet House on Shaw Street.

Afterwards I had to make a quick dash back to the Guildhall to witness the presentation of British Empire Medals to Mr Mervyn Needham and to Julia Eastwood for her work with ASPIE, one of my mayoral charities. The work Aspie does to help adults with autism (including Asperger’s) is so important.  Hopefully their current problems with securing long term premises in the city centre can be resolved.

In the afternoon I joined in celebrations to mark the commencement of work on the Old Fire Station. The development by Guthrie Roberts certainly looks eye catching and will bring high quality contemporary apartments to the city centre – as well as additional commercial space at Copenhagen Street.

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