Mayor’s Week: 27 March – 3 April 2020

Mayor’s Week: 27 March – 3 April 2020

The majority of us are approaching the end of a second week of staying at home.  We are gradually developing new routines and different ways of keeping in touch with one another, where face to face conversation isn’t an option.

As by nature we humans are a fairly social species, staying at home can be really challenging.  It may sometimes also feel that being at home = doing nothing constructive.  But I do want to urge you all to stay with it – because for every day that you follow the guidance and socially distance yourselves from others, you are indirectly helping to save at least one person’s life.

My heart goes out to everyone who has lost a loved one during this crisis.  This virus will only continue spreading from person to person if we let it – we are all in the front line fighting this same battle.

Of course, many people who are running essential services to keep Worcester functioning do not have the option to stay at home.  In addition to all the amazing staff at the NHS, I’d like to thank all City Council staff who are working hard to collect our bins, keep areas clean, make sure homeless people have a roof over their head and make sure our hard-hit businesses get the support they need.  Their roles may not be as visible as those in our hospitals, but their work is nevertheless vital.

In times of crisis, our city has and I believe always will come together.  The last few weeks have seen thousands of individual acts of kindness take place in Worcester.  Whether you’ve been able to buy a loaf of bread for a neighbour, chatted to someone in isolation or waited patiently in a queue to pick up someone’s medication, you have played a part in this city’s recovery.  We can and will get through this – and when we do, our communities will be even stronger as a result.  Keep it up, citizens of Worcester!  And for now, Stay at Home – and Stay Safe.

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