Mayor’s Week: 28 November – 4 December 2020

Mayor’s Week: 28 November – 4 December 2020

This has been a Zoom week for me.   Who would have thought that a piece of software that very few people had heard of in January would be so relied on nowadays to maintain our connections with work, business and friends?

I started out on Monday with a Zoom meeting with the Trustees of the Museum of Royal Worcester.  I am pleased to report that the museum is in excellent hands and this legacy of Worcester’s china making past is open and welcoming visitors; so do pay the Museum a visit and view its amazing collection.

On Wednesday I zoomed with Joe Petty – Mayor of Worcester Massachusetts.  I am pleased to say that it was very positive discussion about the 300th anniversary of the founding of their city, which falls in 2022.  Worcester USA is of course one of our twin towns.  We agreed that we are both Mayors of wonderful cities; we plan to encourage as many organisations as we can to come together to celebrate this anniversary.

As Mayor I am also President of Worcester Twinning Association, so will be talking further to Mayor Petty in the New Year to progress these plans.  If you are a member of an organisation which would like to link up with a similar one in Worcester USA, please let our local Twinning Association know.  You can email them at

My other 3 Zooms this week have been with family and friends.  It is an excellent way to keep in touch.

Finally, I cannot finish without saying what a momentous step has been taken with the government’s approval of a coronavirus vaccine which can be rolled out to the most vulnerable from next week.  A huge thanks to the scientists who have developed the vaccine and to the NHS staff who will now deliver it.  We have lived under the threat of coronavirus for nearly a year, but now an end is in sight.  Remember to stay safe, keep to the rules and all will be well.

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