Mayor’s Week: 5 – 11 December 2020

Mayor’s Week: 5 – 11 December 2020

I am writing this in the dark by the light of a few candles.  We have had a power cut for the last hour and the power is not expected to return for a while.  When one is suddenly deprived of the basic necessities of life like light and heat, we are made acutely aware of how much we take for granted.  We have been told that it is down to a low voltage output, but whatever the cause the effect is the same.

I was very pleased last week, on Small Business Saturday, to be able to visit two small businesses in town to give a word of thanks and praise, and to enquire about business life during the pandemic.

The first stop off was ‘The Meeting Place’ in Friar Street; a lovely café which is obviously producing first class food judging by the smiles on the faces of the customers in the shop.  This is a new business venture, only started in September, and is a real family affair.  The second business was Pack-It In, located in the Shambles Market Hall.  What a wonderful emporium it is.  I didn’t know there were so many different sorts of pasta, cereals, herbs and spices!  There’s also an array of unusual and plastic free products from around the world.  I would recommend a visit to both of these unique Worcester independents.

On Wednesday I presented a cheque for £10,000 to St. Richard’s Hospice.  The money was raised through the metals recycling scheme of the Institute of Cemetery and Crematorium Management.  I went to say thank you to the officers at Astwood Cemetery for their care and sensitivity in raising the money for such a good cause.

My light has returned!!  The house is back to normal, but it has reminded me that when we think life is not treating us well, things could always be worse!

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