Mayor’s Week: 3 – 10 January 2016

Mayor’s Week: 3 – 10 January 2016

Well here we are in 2016 – where did 2015 go? A year that seemed to flash by for me – no doubt due in part to the busy schedule that is expected of any Mayor, but it probably also has something to do with the fact that time seems to speed up with advancing age!! 2015 was a very busy year, but an enjoyable one. May I take this opportunity to thank everyone that I have met and worked with during my Mayoral year, for helping to make this experience so pleasurable and rewarding.

My first duty for 2016 was to work with Scout volunteers to plant a row of fruit trees in Battenhall Park, the green space between the end of Leven Drive and Battenhall Rise. These trees are helping to fulfil my pledge to have some 2,000 trees planted in Worcester during my year in office and these particular trees will deliver an edible bonus, as they are pear and apple trees. I look forward to sampling the fruit!

I am indebted to Parish Councillor Alan Tidy, who has taken over the role of Chairman of Friends of St Peter’s Parks. Alan has followed my fellow Councillor Mike Johnson in taking on this role, and has carried on where Mike left off. He has been so supportive, not only encouraging volunteers to help with the tree planting scheme, but for actually getting out there himself and digging holes to plant the trees in. Thanks Alan – your efforts are greatly appreciated.

First Worcester Bus Company is also rallying to the call and has committed a sizeable sum of money to plant some specimen trees here in Worcester. First Worcester staff will be planting an oak tree and two ornamental varieties in the Cripplegate Park: the Foxglove tree (Paulownia tomentosa) which has trumpet-shaped, violet-blue flowers and the Maidenhair tree (Ginkgo biloba)the sole survivor of an ancient group of trees that dates back beyond the time of the dinosaurs. In total they will be donating 230 trees over a two year period.

Nigel Eggleton, Managing Director for First Worcester buses says: ” As part of our commitment to improving bus provision in and around the City of Worcester, we are also committed to the environmental impact and making our green spaces more attractive and enjoyable for residents and visitors to the city.” Thank you Nigel.

There will be more planting events over the next few weeks to help ensure Worcester thrives as a green city. Don’t forget that if you have a garden, you can help too by planting a tree or two!

I wish you all health and happiness in 2016.

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