Mayor’s Week: 3 – 8 August 2018

Mayor’s Week: 3 – 8 August 2018

A fantastic performance by WODYS (Worcester Operatic & Dramatic Society Youth Section) of Seven Brides for Seven Brothers marked the beginning of a busy week. The pressure to perform in front of a packed Swan Theatre under sweltering conditions proved no problem for the highly talented cast, who did themselves and their parents proud. Well done!

I was absolutely delighted to host former Mid-Worcestershire MP Sir Peter Luff at the Guildhall for the opening of the Worcestershire Remembers event. It was a brilliant programme which highlighted the role of Worcester men, women and animals in the Great War.

Sir Peter must be commended not only for his knowledge of local history and World War I, but also his personal battle with Parkinson’s Disease. It isn’t easy coming out in the open. The misunderstandings and negative stereotypes around the condition often mean people are in denial for years. There are many, many people in our city who have this condition and don’t realise it. I commend Sir Peter on openly talking about it and inspiring others to seek help.

A quick update on my Fitness Challenge. Half way, in I am beginning to make some visible gains. The key is persistence, determination and a strict diet. The latter has let me down on numerous occasions but great support from John Clarke and his team at Fit3Sixty has meant I have stayed on track to meet my objective. Thank you John!

Which leads me to my message for the week. So often we moan, groan and complain about our situation, but fail to realise that we often have the power to change our conditions or, at the very least, our frame of minds. It is amazing what small changes and a positive outlook can do to mental well-being and overall happiness. The key to attaining this is gratitude and appreciation of what you have and, of course, spreading the message of Love not Hate.

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