Mayor’s Week: 28 July – 2 August 2018

Mayor’s Week: 28 July – 2 August 2018

A quieter week than usual, giving me time to reflect on my term in office so far.  In the ten weeks to date we have seen a lot of activity in Worcester; the centre is buzzing with excitement on most weekends and the BID and the City Council are doing a great job in stimulating the visitor economy.

It’s certainly been one of the busiest summers to date and the giraffes have added that something special to the atmosphere. Yet there is still more to come: the Worcester Festival is just around the corner, and the unmissable annual Worcester Show will take place in Gheluvelt Park on Saturday 12 August.

Following this, special preparations are under way to commemorate that historic event – the hundredth anniversary of Armistice Day.

We have so much to celebrate, acknowledge and appreciate that sometimes we don’t know what we had until it’s gone; often taking things for granted. One example was the news I received last week that Ben Humphrey, a friend of mine, is leaving his role as Associate Director at Worcester Rep.  Amongst other things Ben is a lecturer, producer, musician and actor.  He has brought so much joy to people in the City and beyond, that one cannot fail to acknowledge his contribution – particularly to Worcester’s arts scene. I wish him all the best in his new role.

In fact, there are many people that we haven’t recognised in this great city of ours. Many of you go about your daily lives making a difference, in your own special way. Whether it be by volunteering, teaching and coaching, adding value and enriching the lives of many, that’s what makes the City so special. I am grateful for your efforts and wish you all great success in everything you do.  I’m signing off by asking you to spread the message of love, not hate.

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