MAYOR’S WEEK: 3 – 9 APRIL 2021

MAYOR’S WEEK: 3 – 9 APRIL 2021

I hope you all had a restful and joyful Easter weekend.  Wasn’t it wonderful to be able to meet with another household in the garden and share a meal and chat together face-to-face? Dave and I had a busy time with one daughter and family visiting on Saturday and the other visiting on Easter Sunday. Our son and his family will soon be able to travel up from London and we can see them too. How much we can now appreciate the simple things of life, like seeing friends and family when we have been prevented from doing so for so long.

The long-awaited opening of non-essential shops is eagerly anticipated and I have noticed that shop owners in town are busily getting their shops ready for Monday. I will be visiting some of them next week to wish them well and also to make some purchases How lovely it will be to be able to see and touch things again before I buy them.

I enjoyed the fresh air on Tuesday and walked a good way along the Malvern Hills. The weather can only be described as interesting. I started off in sunshine, then the sky started to cloud over and the hail came down which turned into snow. The wind was fierce and with stinging face and blown about hair I was so surprised when the sun came out again. A full weather forecast, all in a few hours!

Dave and I have had our second Covid vaccination this week. No photo this time, because so many people have now received the magic jab and so we all progress into a safer and more normal world together. Please make sure that you have your vaccination when it is offered and help to protect others. It is not only our only way back to normality but also helps to prevent the development of new variants and so enables us to live with the virus.

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