Mayor’s Week: 27 March – 2 April 2021

Mayor’s Week: 27 March – 2 April 2021

My week began with a meeting with the trustees of the Museum of Royal Worcester.  Royal Worcester Porcelain played a major part in the life of my extended family and those of many Worcester residents in the 1900s.  The factory, which used to produce such superb porcelain, was a major employer in the city.  I don’t know whether any of you remember the “hooter” which used to go off at 1.55pm, letting the workers know that the lunch hour was over and it was time to go back to work.  Am I showing my age?

Tuesday was a glorious weather day and I was almost moved to join in the physical activity session at Perdiswell Sports Centre, where I went to meet some of the people who are now allowed to exercise together out of doors.  We look forward to the re-opening of indoor sports activity and a full use of the facilities at all our sports centres.

Tuesday evening was my last full Council meeting with me as Chair.  It was a lively evening with councillors expressing various views and disagreeing with each other, which is always an excellent sign of democracy at work.  The good people of Worcester deserve a full representation of ideas amongst the members of Worcester City Council – and believe me, they have it!

I was particularly pleased that my Motion to Council asking it to approve the permanent twinning arrangement with Gouzeaucourt was passed with only one member voting against it.  The majority of Worcester councillors realise the huge benefits that come from making friends around the world rather than enemies.

As we approach this weekend with all the hopes and promises that the Easter message brings, can I wish you a very happy and peaceful break.  I hope that the coming weeks bring everyone new energy and freedom, and a gradual return to our normal lives.


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