Mayor’s Week, 30 July – 4 Aug 2012

Mayor’s Week, 30 July – 4 Aug 2012

Not the busiest week with only one official engagement so I thought I would use my column as an opportunity to reflect upon the week and express a personal view on what opportunities We should take here in Worcester.

The week has of course been dominated by The Olympics and the excellent media coverage of the events; disappointments and successes have been well covered.  We now need to concentrate on the legacy and the opportunities it should present, to young and old living within the City. The City’s Sport’s team have been active in organising mini-Olympics, free multi-sports and Play activities all over the City, throughout the school holidays, at a venue near you!

Multi-sport volley ball.
Photos from the summer multi-sport programme 2012 (photos courtesy of Stacey Evans)

Not only does the City have excellent Sports, Swimming and Community centres, we have an environment second to none. What can be more enjoyable than walking the riverside from Bevere to Diglis? Exploring  along the Worcester to Birmingham Canal? Walk Duck Brook or Laugherne Brook  Enjoy the greenspaces, sites of special scientific interest and city woodlands at Nunnery, Perrywood, Warndon and Tolladine?

I think the ball has to be placed firmly in our court, and to see how We can take advantage of the opportunities there are, all of which have a known health benefit. A bit of regular exercise is well known to benefit us all, it also provides an opportunity to meet with others and enjoy wildlife and the City environment.

I have been able to catch-up on some domestic tasks; car cleaning, putting insulation in the loft and gardening as well as continuing with my duties as a ward Councillor. How satisfying to hear that a young mother with three chuildren has been rehoused in new Social housing in St Johns! The need for accomodation is crucial for a family-life!

My attendance, as Mayor, was  The  30th Annual WODY’S production of Me and My Girl at The Swan on Thursday evening accompanied by my daughter in Law, Trudy. What a production with well over 60 participents of all ages, under 16.The Principals were excellent, as were the dancers and chorus! Our thanks to Gloria Chapman President, David Humphries Producer and Director. A production of this type involves so many people backstage, the performers and parents who must spend many hours escorting and taking youngsters to rehearsals.

The week has been a rip-roaring success, a sell out and a great opportunity to see a musical which appealed to all ages. Thanks again for the opportunity to join with you and celebrate 30 years of success, here’s to the next 30!

Saturday, I visited a National “Truth about Youth” celebration, by the Prince’s Trust in Bristol in my role as Trustee of The Co-operative Community Foundation.

I shall shortly be having a week away so my next columns will include my deputy Pat Ager who has been such a valuable Deputy.

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