Mayor’s Week: 31 October – 6 November 2014

Mayor’s Week: 31 October – 6 November 2014

Commemorating the Battle of Gheluvelt of 1914 was a strong theme last week.  I saw off Andrew Trickett and a group of cyclists early one morning, and two Morgan car drivers on another, all making journeys from Worcester to Gheluvelt in Belgium to support worthwhile causes.

At the Centenary Commemoration in Gheluvelt Park I was given the very highest honour of inspecting the troops (and the Mascot, a ram called Private Derby XXX.) I told the troops how incredibly proud the whole City is of them and I repeated this message at the Banquet in the evening.



As always, I’ve met a number of tremendous charity fundraisers. At the Lions Club District Governors Wife’s Appeal dinner we saw harrowing films about homelessness and hopelessness. The dinner, cooked by those who were once homeless or who continue to be homeless, shows how highly skilled somebody can become given the opportunity. On a lighter note, I remember the event because a rather determined and persistent lady kept loudly accosting me with “I want your pants.” Not knowing whether my luck had changed or whether she was just drunk, I first tried to ignore her but when that didn’t work, I promised to let her have a washed pair when my Mayoralty ends!

The Crowngate hosted two very worthwhile public service events, namely the Big Energy Saving Week campaign and the WCT Volunteer Fair. Although we all dash from one shop to another, it’s worth taking a few minutes to talk to stallholders trying to do a good turn for us and others.

I was so excited to light the bonfire, the size of a block of flats, on Pitchcroft on Saturday to open the Round Table Bonfire Night. The press of a button (no naked torch, thanks to health & safety) and flames went up in an instantaneous whoosh and crack. Thank you Round Table for organising this event. They are people who selflessly give their time and money to do good works for others, like The Lions Club above.

Do pop down soon to The Commandery to see the original and thought-provoking Exhibition of Digital Photographs. Well done Brian Bullock.

It’s always a pleasure to host tea in The Parlour, in this case for Jonathon Wood who won two prizes at the Summer Reading Challenge. Congratulations to Claire and Matt Wood for bringing up such a polite and considerate young man. He even gave his little sister the last piece of chocolate on the cake!





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