Mayor’s Week: 6 – 12 July 2018

Mayor’s Week: 6 – 12 July 2018

It’s just not Cricket

Worcester is always busy in the summer – and this beautiful weather brings even more of a buzz and excitement.

Many of you know about my affection for cricket – usually a love-hate relationship depending how many boundaries I have been dispatched for!  I was proud therefore to host the England Partially Disabled Cricket Team, launching the Tri-series tournament where the England Team received their CAPS by David Graveney, former chief selector.

Talking about selections, it was a sorry affair which inadvertently put Worcester and England cricketing Legend Basil Olivera on the world political map. His non-selection triggered what was possibly the turning point in the breakdown of the apartheid regime in South Africa.  I am therefore honoured, along with fellow councillor Andy Roberts, to be able to propose a posthumous Freedom of the City award to him – a recognition which quite frankly is long overdue. One might say it just wasn’t Cricket!

I must also mention the success of Worcester Carnival last Saturday – a great reintroduction to the city:  credit to all involved.

Worcester is now privileged to host the most amazing and sublime pieces of public art it has seen in a while!  The Worcester Stands Tall launch on Monday revealed the giraffes which have been placed across the city centre and riverside, showing off their elegance and magnificence. The project is raising money for St Richards Hospice – one of my designated charities for this mayoral year. Please donate generously!

By the time this goes to press, England will either be playing in the third or fourth place play-off, or be in the Final of the World Cup. Either way the buzz of excitement and the atmosphere has been electrifying at times, showing what we can achieve by staying positive and believing.

Long may those feelings continue – it just goes to show it’s all in your mind and you do have the power to change your state!


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