Mayor’s Week: 6 – 12 October 2015

Mayor’s Week: 6 – 12 October 2015

There was an Over 50s Event at the Guildhall on Wednesday 7th October, and it was rather a shame that it was so poorly attended. There were stalls covering a great variety of aids: health advice, household alarms, U3A, advice on sight and hearing, and a multitude of other useful bits of information. All good stuff, and really helpful at any age! All the staff on duty were well informed, eager to assist and offered very sound advice. So if you see another event signed up as an “Over 50’s Event”, pop in a take a look even if you are under fifty – it’s worth it!!

Last week three members of the Council Team celebrated their 25th anniversary – 75 years of Council service between them!

There was Frank Southam our Sword Bearer; I’m sure you have all seen Frank at one time or another as he has led every procession along the High Street followed by the Mace Bearers, whenever there is something special happening. Most people would have seen Frank as he leads the procession to open the Christmas Fayre. He’s a great character and a reliable aid to each Mayor in turn. Frank is our expert on protocol and has guided the last 25 Worcester mayors in their civic duties.

Diane Thomas also celebrated 25 years’ service, and she is second to none. Without Di you wouldn’t have a vote, as she is our Electoral Services Officer. Di works tirelessly to ensure the register of electors is always up to date and correct in every detail – and on top of that, she has a great sense of humour!

Last, but by no means least, was Georgina Colley, our Legal Executive for the City’s Legal Team. Georgina also has a great sense of humour, but one never needs to question her accuracy – she is always on top of her game and deadly accurate! Apart from her keen sense of duty, she always has time for people and I’ve never known her to be too busy to help.

I am indebted to each of these three lovely people; thank you for all your help and support over the years, you have been a blessing.

Fort Royal Community Primary School opened their new outdoor play facility on Friday with weather that couldn’t have been better – bright, warm sunshine. The school is a great place, offering the highest level of care and education by a very committed team who “go the extra mile” to provide the best they can every day. Seeing the work that goes on in facilities such as this is both humbling, and a joy at the same time!

boy on slide

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